A review on the detrimental impact of Covid- 19 pandemic on the mental health of children.

 By Chong Sueanne. 

There has been an onset of negative consequences ever since the covid-19 pandemic struck the lives of children, forcing them to live with it which is a key factor to worry about.  Although humans are social creatures, they are forced to change and adapt to online classes- leading to minimal interaction during lessons. Relating to that, the Educational and Cultural organisation has found that the closeout of schools has affected more than 862 million children in the UK which created a severe negative impact on the collaborative learning of children and creates a scenario of loneliness in the psychological mindset of children. 

Children are in a critical stage of development, so they are more vulnerable to the sudden changes caused by the pandemic. According to the surveys by UNICEF, the drastic modification of children’s routines including the lack of physical contact with other children creates a factor of depression for children in the UK. 


It’s not surprising that mental health issues have been on the rise in children during the pandemic given the disruption, isolation, and stress they face. It’s important that parents watch for possible signs that their child could have a mental health issue, including: 

  • Aggression 

  • Irritability 

  • Loss of appetite 

  • Withdraw from or avoid social interactions 

  • Hurting oneself 

  • Suicidal thoughts 

  • Poor concentration 

  • Sleeping disturbance 

  • Extreme moods of highs and lows 

  • Inability to cope with daily problems and stress 


  • Psychotherapy is also referred to as  “talk therapies” or “behavioural therapies”. They aid patients with mental health illnesses to alter their behaviour. For example, Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) masters how to change distorted thinking patterns and unhealthy behaviour 

  • Medication- Mental health professionals may recommend medication- such as stimulants, antidepressants, antipsychotics, and mood stabilisers. For example, for children above the age of 7, lithium carbonate can be used to treat depression associated with bipolar disorder. Lithium aims at the excitatory glutamate neurotransmitter levels in the brain by bringing it to moderation, stabilizing moods so people taking it to have fewer manic episodes and fewer suicidal thoughts. Meanwhile, lithium also corrects dopamine dysregulation as dopamine levels increase during mania and reduce during depression. 

Meanwhile, parents could organize creative, home activities and get children to be actively involved. Do talk to your child if you have any concerns, and be calm and proactive in the conversation. If you observe any signs in your child, do seek out to health care professionals. 


  1. damnn 阿妍🙋🏻‍♀️🔥🔥

  2. Hi Sueanne,
    I really enjoyed your exposition on the detrimental impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of children. A very informative read, well done !
    I am glad there is some Medication that children may take to treat this mental illness. You mentioned for children above the age of 7, Lithium carbonate can be used to treat depression associated with bipolar disorder. Just have a few questions that came to mind after reading your article
    Is the Lithium carbonate available from the Chemist as tablets or in liquid form ?
    Do you need a prescription from a Medical Doctor to obtain such medication ?
    Also, do you know if there may be any long term side effects or problems associated with taking any dosages of this medication for depression associated with bipolar disorder ?

    1. Hi, I'm glad you enjoyed the read. Lithium carbonate are available in both capsules form or oral solution. For your second question, yes, you will need a prescription from a medical doctor as dosage for lithium varies according to your age, weight and medical history. Thus, it should be taken with care, and only according to your doctor's specific instructions as overdosing lithium can be toxic.
      The most concerning side effects of long term lithium use are kidney problems. According to the package insert for lithium, the long term use of this drug can affect the ability of the kidneys to concentrate urine, which causes a condition called Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus (NDI). The symptoms include extreme thirst and frequent urination. Hence, to protect you from side effects and make sure you are not getting too much medication, doctors will draw blood to monitor your lithium levels. I hope this proves useful to you!


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